Tips For Successful Thesis
After years of attending long class sessions, preparing countless deliveries and presentations, and passing dozens of exams, you are facing a key moment in your life: you are about to graduate from university! But, before taking this important step, there is only one obstacle left in your path: the thesis or final project.
This year, in addition to classic questions such as what topic to choose for the thesis? or where to find references? As a result of the pandemic you will have to deal with a new scenario, where a large part of the process will be remote and digital. For this reason, Fernanda Uribe, a professional in the Learning program of the Undergraduate Department of the University of Chile, gives you some tips to meet this important milestone.
His first recommendation is to understand that we are in a particularly difficult and challenging context. “ It is important to regulate expectations regarding one’s own performance and the demands that students as writers place on themselves,” he says.
Uribe adds that it is necessary:
Have schedules and comply with them: “Effective work times must be established that are neither too long nor too short and that are respected. Identify things that must be done, personal and academic tasks, and leisure time. Taking all that into consideration, assign a realistic schedule.”
Constantly write: “I recommend maintaining a stable routine. Free writing exercises can be carried out, developing preliminary ideas, including reflections on the readings, on how I feel about certain topics, so that one can sustain the writing practice permanently and overcome some of the anguish of the page in question. white”. At this point also review some keys to writing a good essay .
Socialize: “The idea is that in those moments we avoid talking about both the pandemic and the thesis, but rather that it helps us distract ourselves and think about other things, fill us with energy.”
To help you prevent this from happening, we present the 10 keys to writing a successful thesis Writing Services
Create a work plan.
To carry out any investigation, it is essential to have an organization of all the activities to follow. Do you have to do interviews? Search for material? Do you spend a lot of time reading?
Don’t try to cover impossible topics.
As this is the crowning work of our career, we often set the goal of carrying out exhaustive research that can take years to complete. Don’t add a problem to yourself beforehand and avoid it.
Search for material and organize it.
The search for material is a fundamental stage of the process that should not be overlooked. Take your time to cover as much as possible, but always consider that for the material to be useful it has to be carefully classified.
Make a diagram.
This must include the definition of the problem, its justification, the theoretical framework, the objectives of the research and the hypotheses posed by the thesis.
Form a study group.
It does not necessarily have to be a group thesis; Even though everyone is doing their own work, establishing joint opportunities for study and exchange can be very motivating.
Find an appropriate place to study.
If you constantly change your workplace, your productivity will decrease considerably. Choose a quiet, suitable place, where you can have all your materials at hand.
Set deadlines.
It is important that you do not stretch the time to prepare your thesis indefinitely. To do this, you must commit to certain deadlines for submitting advances to your tutor, taking into account that it may take a while for them to deliver the corrections.
Stay in constant contact with your tutor.
If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact your tutor. Although it is true that some tend to pay more attention than others, if you establish a bond of mutual trust and manage to awaken their interest in your work, it will make all the difference. We Offer Top-Notch Best Dissertation Help At Affordable Prices
Respect corrections.
Continuing in line with the previous point, it is essential that you always respect your tutor’s corrections. You can always give your opinion, but try to follow their advice since they know best what it takes to approve the work.
Get away from distractions.
Close Facebook, stay away from Twitter or Instagram, turn off your cell phone and ignore the 200 WhatsApp notifications that come to you all the time. The more you can concentrate on your work, the sooner you will finish this stage.